Manager Community Services

  • Paupiyala Tjarutja Aboriginal Corporation
  • Tjuntjuntjara WA
  • Annual Salary: $79973 (Salary Sacrifice is available)
  • Annual Leave: 4 weeks with 17.5% leave loading
  • Accommodation: Subsidised furnished accommodation at nominal rent of $40 week (includes utilities)
  • Vehicle: Available for work use only.
  • Additional Leave: Isolation leave: 10 weeks per year. This includes travel days and public holidays and can be used after 10 weeks’ continuous service in community. Usually 10 weeks in community 2 weeks out, transport costs to and from Kalgoorlie covered by the Corporation.
  • Extras: Annual District Allowance: $4333. Telephone Allowance: $50/month. Internet Allowance: $50/month. Return airfares to place of recruitment for annual leave after 12 months’ continuous service for the incumbent and dependants onsite



Spinifex People

The Spinifex people, including those residents at Tjuntjuntjara Community, are represented by the Pila Nguru Aboriginal Corporation, the Native Title Representative Body in the Spinifex Native Title area. Within this area, Paupiyala Tjarutja Aboriginal Corporation (PTAC) is an Aboriginal corporation with responsibility for managing the essential and community services in the community. This includes, but is not limited to the Community Store, Community Resource Centre, a Women’s Centre, Sport and Recreation program, an Environmental Health program, municipal services (airstrip, tip, road maintenance, water, power, sewerage), mechanics workshop, the Community Development program and Spinifex Health Service’s (including Youth and Home and Community Care programs).

Tjuntjuntjara is the main population Centre for the Spinifex Lands, over 55,000 sq. kms of Native Title area in the Great Victoria Desert region of Western Australia. PTAC operates a primary health care service that includes youth, aged care and home and community care services trading as Spinifex Health Service. An Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (ACCHO) which also operates an office and accommodation facility in Kalgoorlie and delivers onsite 24/7 clinical services as well as a comprehensive range specialist clinical and allied health programs on a fly in fly out basis.

Primary Purpose

Under the direction of the Chief Executive Officer, the Manager Community Services coordinates the day to day provision and delivery of municipal and community services to Tjuntjuntjara community. Administratively, the Manager Community Services is responsible for the management of PTAC assets, activities and services on a day to day basis. This includes managing visitors to the community, their accommodation and ensuring they are supported to conduct their business successfully. The role is also responsible for the smooth running of PTAC administration and local council functions. The role is a managerial rather than executive position.

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