You can register for work in remote communities here. The registration process is quick and easy, especially if you’re well prepared.
You’ll need a copy of your resume/CV in a format such as Word, OpenOffice, PDF, JPG or PUB as you’ll need to upload it to us after filling out the form.
Please don’t send us your resume/CV via email (unless otherwise advised) as we do need you to fill out the form in order for your details and preferences to be recorded on the database, and we don’t have the resources to do this for you.
If you’re registering as a couple, separate registrations are required for each individual. You have an opportunity to name your partner, if applicable, in the registration process. We’ll match the files and register you accordingly. A confirmation email will be issued when the registration is processed.
If you don’t have your resume/CV available now, please don’t register until you do. The form will not send from this page if there is no document attached.
Make sure you’ve read about the minimum standards required for your resume/CV before registering. You’ll be required to confirm that you have read our resume/CV and referee pages when submitting the form.
Fields marked with * are required.
We can only accept registrations from Australian residents. You’d need to be available for an interview at very short notice and at minimum cost to the employer if we nominate you.
If you’re a returning resident, please wait until you’ve arrived back in the country before registering.
If you encounter any issues using the registration form, please let us know. Thanks!
OK, let’s go…. !!