Senior Outstation Case Manager
Warlpiri Youth Development Aboriginal Corporation (WYDAC) was started by Yuendumu Community in 1993 to address chronic petrol sniffing in community. WYDAC achieved unprecedented success in this initial struggle, which led to considerable growth in the organisation, which now provides a comprehensive range of social services throughout Warlpiri country – a vast and somewhat remote area of almost one million hectares.
WYDAC is an Aboriginal Corporation created by and for Warlpiri people, consisting of more than 130 Board members, with representatives from across the four Warlpiri communities. WYDAC’s head office is located in Yuendumu Community and has permanent staffing and operations at five remote Warlpiri sites;
> Yuendumu Community
> Willowra Community
> Nyirripi Community
> Lajamanu Community
> Mt Theo Outstation
The notable, and sustainable, success of WYDAC programs has been firmly based on the support and strength of local Warlpiri people, as well as the ongoing commitment of a dedicated WYDAC staff. All WYDAC programs aim to promote positive and meaningful pathways for Warlpiri youth and families. This is done through an extensive range of complementary, community-based programs.
Position Objective
The Case Worker operates from Yuendumu, however a stay at Mt Theo for a minimum of 2 nights per week is required.
The main job of the Outstation Case worker is to provide support to the Mt Theo Elders and carers as well as case management support to young people whilst residing at the Outstation. This is to be done in close collaboration and with guidance from both the Oustation Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator.
This role provides support to the Outstation Carers to make sure the young people staying at Mt Theo are looked after proper way. This includes making sure that young people at the Outstation are supervised at all times as well as helping young people think about making better lives for themselves and their community.
The Outstation Case Worker will also assist Carers to engage young people in daily activities in line with the range of activities offered by the Mt Theo Outstation.
It will also be the job of the Outstation Case worker to take on the role of supporting reintegration back into community for the first two weeks of their return to the community encouraging them to engage in local youth activities, education etc. in order to maximize their chances of making positive choices. The Outstation caseworker will also act as the conjugate (in collaboration with Coordinator) between WWK and Mt Theo to support young people from all four Warlpiri communities to have access to this program.
The Outstation caseworker will provide support at WYDAC youth programs on an as needs basis, this will predominantly be over the summer holiday period – when the outstation is closed.
The Outstation caseworker will be supervised by the Outstation Coordination Team and ultimately the Outstation Coordinator, WYDAC Management and Committee.