Sports Development Officer
The Sports Development project;
- Works closely with Community Services and other Managers and Community members to build a consultative framework to ensure that Captains, Coaches, Player representatives, Shire, Sport and Recreation, Education, Health and Police and other on the ground representatives are fully engaged in helping to build a partnership success.
- Builds on the successful Ngaanyatjarra Sports Development Projects piloted in 2016 and 2017, which resulted in fixtured AFL and softball games;
- Will work towards improved CDP and school attendance.
- Will result in the establishment of CDP activities to maintain and improve sports grounds and related facilities in six communities (Blackstone, Jameson, Wanarn, Warakurna, Warburton and Wingellina.)
- Will develop partnerships with other peak bodies and organisations.
This Lands based residential role supports people in the lands to build long-term capacity and capability, to improve how they engage in regular sports programs, develop community based leadership and volunteer contribution to communities. Critical to the role will be coordination and overview of structured fixtures and training and mentor development of local coordinators to assist in day to day delivery.
By establishing leadership roles promote firstly an adult, then a junior competition where role models promote engagement with CDP, education, healthy lifestyle and community safety initiatives at a community level.
The role focusses on delivering fixtures, training local employee Coordinators, attracting funding and working with providers to build a multidisciplinary approach to delivering leadership development and advocacy on the Ngaanyatjarra Lands.